Learn to Knook
As I've said in previous posts I am a HUGE fan of knooking.
The thing I also love about LeisureArts.com and Knooking
is the fact that provide you with so many books
with so many fantastic designs in them for you
to use and practice your new skills.
I also love the fact that each book provides you everything
you need to know from beginner level up.

Yes again Leisure Arts have delivered a book with fantastic designs
you'll want to make.

This book provides you with everything you'll need to know to knook
as well as the fantastic designs to practice your stitches on.
Leisure Arts even provides you with online tutorials to help you on your way.

There are clear instructions and step-by-step photo's as well
for both left handed and right handed people.
You'll learn how to do decreases and increases, finish seams, change colors,
make cables, knit in the round, and more.
The 3 projects give you everything you need to practice what you learn
and they look fantastic as well.
I would whole hearty recommend both this book and Knooking!
Learn to Knook
I was received a copy of the eBook to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.
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I hope you enjoy the blog http://www.crochetaddictuk.com!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue