My feet were very sore for a couple of days
but I think it's worth it if it helps my body
to heal itself.
It was funny because I told her all my conditions
that then one part of my foot was very sensitive.
I asked what that area was and she said it was
my esophagus.
She then asked if I suffered from heartburn
and I realized I forgot to tell her I suffer from
acid re-flux.
It was amazing that I hadn't told her but she could
tell from my foot.
I mistakenly did too much and my CFS was playing up.
I misjudged where my foot was to my rocking chair.
I kicked it and broke my little toe.
It doesn't look too bad on this picture
but there is a break just where it's a bit redder.
It hurts but as it's my bad side and I usually have
pain anyway I have been able to deal with it.
Benji has made a new friend.
He now looks for her every morning to say hello.
She lives at a house we walk past.
It's beautiful to see.
We went to Martin Mere this week
as they had an animal day.
Red Monster had so much fun!
Every other time we've been the swinging chair
has been taken but this time it was free.
He loves it. Relaxing and fun.

Red Monster is used to feeding the geese by
hand but this time the duck decided to join in.
The otters were out and playing.
This barn owl was rescued from being held
in a box.
She is beautiful and so timid.
It was a privilege to meet her.
The Alpacas were there :-).
They make such funny noises.
Granny and Red Monster's favorite
were there as well.
They love meerkats and it was even
more special with a baby meerkat being there.
One thing I don't have a picture of is my special moment.
I was feeding the fish in the garden and
when I turned around there was a little greenfinch
eating the seed on the ground.
I bowed my head and he decided to stay.
I stayed watching him for 10 mins
with him less than a meter from me.
Then a little mouse came out and joined him.
It was so special.
I have a couple of makes this week.
I'm afraid I haven't worked on my shawl
this week.
I am making a hat at the moment.
The weather has changed and I fancied a new
hat for this year.
My Cross-stitch is coming along.
I don't know how much longer I'll be able
to show you how it's going
as it's a Christmas Present.
Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.
Please add the pin to your post & check out a couple
of other people that are sharing their work
Crochet Addict UK What You Doing Wednesday