Friday 10 February 2012

FO Friday 10/02/12

Today's post is a little later than normal
Bad night last night and in a lot of pain 
Well to take my mind off it it's snowing!
My son will be happy.

As you know I haven't been able to crochet as much lately
but me and my son have been having fun
making other things.
As my CFS is bad I feel guilty about
not being able to do things with him
so I come up with things that don't take
up much energy but he will still have fun

we painted some stones and shells :-)

made some hearts out grease proof paper
string and red crayon.


My FO for the week of crochet is.........

heart bunting

it was meant to go across but my son decided it had to go down.

we are creating a little celebration of Valentines day :-)

Big question for you now.  What is your favorite comfort food.
Mine is the usual chocolate, ice cream etc but last night
I decided on a banana sugar butty.
Does anyone else in the world love a good banana sugar sandwich?

Go check out some other FO's


  1. I have never tried banana with sugar on bread....I love it on a toasted sarmie with bacon :-D yummy, and have heard it to be really good on bread with peanut butter.

    I do love to eat banana on it's own mashed with sugar, something my gran always made for me.

    I love the hearts, very pretty.
    Hope you feel better.


  2. Love the kid crafts, how nice, even if you can't crochet you can do these fun things with him. The hand prints....sure bring back fun memories. Take care, hope you'll be able to crochet soon.

  3. I don't know that I have a favorite comfort food. It depends on my mood. Right now I could go for some Mac & Cheese, that or Cream of Wheat. Preferably not at the same time.

  4. Great projects, they will be treasured forever!
    Feel better :0)

  5. Everything looks great! I love the rocks.
    My favorite comfort food is ice cream. I could eat it day or night.

  6. OMG!!!!!!! I haven't had a banana sugar sandwich since I was a child!!!! So good to know that someone else enjoys this treat.

    Hope your CFS gives you a break soon.

  7. Craft time with your children is always the best. I love the hanging hearts and the painted stones and hand prints always melt my heart.

  8. Lovely projects! It looks all sweet and they bring back childhood memories:)

  9. thank you all for your wonderful comments.

  10. They're great, all of them! I love the painted stones!!

    My favorite comfort food is usually either chocolate or ice cream. If I'm in a salty mood I really love wavy chips and French onion dip. :)

  11. I don't know what a banana sugar sandwich is... although now I am intrigued. I'm more of a cheesecake or ice cream kind of gal. So nice to see cute little projects!

  12. I love the bunting. that is such a cute decoration. i also have never had sugar bread. my favorite comfort food would have to be chick and dumplings

  13. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling right now with your health, but the projects are really, really wonderful...all very satisfyingly 'do-able' for little ones, and decorative, to boot! I love that you let your son decide how the heart garlands should hang. You're a wonderful don't worry so much about what you aren't able to do, ok?!? XXO-

  14. I love kid's crafts. They are beautiful in their simplicity. Good thoughts to you in your difficulties.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue