Book Buddies
by Storybook Felts
As you know I love to craft.
Me and Little Red also love to read.
So when my friend Melissa asked if I would review
her new patterns for bookmarks I couldn't wait.
I wasn't disappointed.
You get all the instructions you'll need to make your bookmark
and you can use the patterns time and again to make
brilliant gifts for family and friends.
The patterns list all the materials you will need.
It gives you pictures to show you how to sew your bookmarks together.
It also explains how you can glue them instead.
This means whether you are a sewer or non sewer
you'll be able to make them.
help put them together.
It meant that he had just as much as fun
as I did making them.
The patterns are really easy to follow
and Melissa makes you feel comfortable
enough to make your own.
You don't have to pin your patterns
you can use a fabric pen
but I decided to pin mine.
We are thinking of making some more as Easter presents.
They are such fun to make and it helps
children to enjoy reading even more.
I really loved how easy and effective they were to make.
These are the first patterns in the series that
Melissa is making.
They are fantastic fun and I would highly recommend them.
They are fun to make as an adult or child.
Why not have some crafting fun and make some yourself.
You can find the patterns for sale on Craftsy;
You can find Melissa at;
If you check out her Etsy Shop she also
has loads of amazing felt sets for sale;
I received the patterns to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
No monies were received in return for this review.
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Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue