Sunday 8 January 2012


Just a quick blog this evening while I wait for my tablets to kick in.

If you get a custom order to make something that doesn't inspire you do you still make it?

I agreed to make a scoodie (hood, hat, scarf n mittens all in one) with a tiger theme. I was alright so far when I accepted it. Then when it came to what she really wanted my thoughts didn't feel inspired. They want the scoodie to have ears, no face, still doing ok but in cream and brown. The pictures they liked were in the nomal orange n black with white on the inside of the ear. White doesn't look right against the cream n brown. So cream ears. The black of the paws n claws didn't look right so they are now brown. I haven't finished the stripes yet but if they were in orange n black I think they would look better. I want to give my customers my best work but I understand that you also need to supply the customer with what they want.

I'm making this one now but I don't know if I'd do it again. I don't think it helps me mentally or shows off what I can really do. I'm still making it to my best so the customer will hopefully will love it!


  1. Hang in there. Keep reminding yourself that you are doing the best you can with what you have been given to work with. I'm sure it will be cute no matter what.

  2. Just be thankful that you have an order is my advice to you! I rarely get any and have to rely on teaching (which is very slow to kick off this year) and doing craft fairs which takes up an awful lot of your time and for very little in return. Just give the customer what they want - thats the main thing.

  3. Not at all cost Susan. I usually want to stretch my imagination and abilities and custom work is something I love very much doing although I haven't had an order that was different much from what I usually do (yours does). But I always start with the idea that I must like what I do, although I think it will reflect in the work otherwise. All in all, I am sure you will make your customer satisfied.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue