Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Art of Crochet for Kids DVD ~ Product Review

I was so pleased to receive this dvd to review.
My son Little Red is 8 years old and is just starting to
show an interest in crochet.

This DVD is ideal.
It uses cartoon characters and kids to teach other kids how to crochet.

The dvd starts off with the brilliant yodelling Alpaca character and his sisters.
They teach the basics and then it's onto the children teaching
them some more.
The dvd goes through each part slow enough for the children
to follow but not too slow so they can't keep up.
With it being a dvd it's easy to rewind and pause if they miss something.

Little Red really enjoyed the Alpaca Characters and loved the fact
that Ryan was a similar age to himself.
Little Red has tried a few chains but I think it might be another
6 months for him to have the attention span to progress.
However my friends daughter has borrowed the dvd with a huge success.
She has watched it multiple times and I am happy to say she has already started
her first project.

The video doesn't only include instructions it also includes
some brilliant fun projects for them to make.

I love the fact that the dvd has the cartoons to keep the children interested.
The hole dvd is kept fun but educational.
I also love the fact that children of similar ages are used to teach them and both sexes.
Sometimes boys won't learn something because they feel it's for girls.
This dvd bridges that thought and changes it as there are boys throughout.

Crocheting is a fun skill for kids to learn as it helps with
maths, concentration , fine motor skills and much, much more.

I would highly recommend this dvd!!!
I hope to be showing you Little Reds makes in the future :-)

I received the dvd to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.


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