Thursday 11 September 2014

Pencil, Paper, Draw! Dinosaurs ~ Book Review

Pencil, Paper, Draw!
by Steve Harpster
ISBN: 978454911517
Publisher: Sterling
Publication Date: July 2014
RRP: £4.99

There is a point in life when you are a child
that you don't just want to draw
you really want to be able to draw.

This book is here for when you start wanting to learn
how to draw things so people can recognise them.

Whether a child or adult this book makes it easy for you
to be able to draw dinosaurs.
Each different dinosaur is taken step-by-step.
As you add each part of the dinosaur you can see
it materialising before your eyes.

I'm not very good at drawing and I am the first to admit it.
However with this book even I feel like I can
replicate any of the dinosaurs in this book.

The book is really supportive and even in the introduction
it says:
"Don't expect to be great on the first try.
You will learn more and more each time you draw."

As a mother of an 8 year old boy this book is a hit.
He isn't willing to show of his drawing yet
but he is enjoying being able to give each
of his dinosaurs a go.

With 26 different dinosaurs to replicate
it will keep children and adults alike entertained for hours.

Steve the author has a fantastic idea
of trying to draw one a day.
Date them and see the difference as you become
more and more used to drawing them.
It expands your drawing skills
and it's fun at the same time!

Little Red loves this book and I am sure
many a rainy day will be saved by him
drawing all the dinosaurs he can :-)

I received a copy of the book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.


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