Sunday 14 September 2014

Love to Sew ~ Teddy Bears ~ Book Review

Love to Sew
Teddy Bears
by Monika Schleich
ISBN: 9781782210580
Publisher: Search Press
Publication Date: 11 August 2014
RRP: £7.99

Available from Search Press

There is something so special about a teddy bear!
There is something more special ~
A Handmade Teddy Bear

This book gives you everything you need to know to make
your own original Teddy Bear.

This book takes you through step-by-step.
It gives you everything from the pattern
to the techniques for making one.

From there you are given 16 variations to make
bears, each with their own unique look.

You are guided with easy to understand instructions and pictures.
You are guided through the materials, equipment & assembly.

You are given everything from the sizes to the difficulty of each bear.
At the start of each pattern it explains which pieces you will need to cut
and what material you will need to cut them from. 
You get wonderful tips with each pattern to make it easier for you
to get the same look. 

It's amazing the difference by using different materials,
techniques and sizes.
And by making each of the bears you learn the different techniques
you can use to design your own.

You would never believe you are using the same
patterns but just different materials and colours.
Each is amazing and special.
Each bear has it's own personality
and with such fantastic instructions you can't
fail to make a beautiful bear at in the end.

This is such a beautiful book!
The bears are amazing and you learn soo much!
I would highly recommend this book!

Available from Search Press

I received a copy of the book to review.
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.


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