Good Morning Everyone!
I hope your week is going well!
Time is going by so fast!
I have nearly finished my Christmas shopping.
Then there is just the task of wrapping everything.
I still can't show you anything
as they are Christmas presents.
I can however introduce you to Benji's new friend.
We met someone who lived locally to us
and she has a dog that was at home on her own.
We offered to have her each day.
She gets dropped off before her owner goes to work
and then picked up on their way home.
Benji is loving having a friend.
I have nearly finished my Christmas shopping
and about half of the presents are all wrapped.
I feel so much better when I don't have to
worry about what to get etc.
It's also fantastic having all these parcels
coming to the door.
Online shopping is my savior.
I can't manage Christmas shopping in the shops
so I buy everything online and as soon
as it gets delivered I wrap the present
so I can do it in stages and don't push
myself too much.
Anyway I better go, I am wrapping
today's presents that have arrived.
I loooovvveee Christmas!
I am just so excited.
Have you started your Christmas buying yet?
I have to tell you about what I have
bought for me and Red Monster
to do:
It teaches your child to do something kind each day.
I am so excited by this.
I think in today's society it's nice
to teach children to do things for others.
Hopefully by doing this little bit
we can make the world a slightly
kinder place!

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Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue