Thursday 11 June 2015

Cool Minecraft Avatars ~ Book Review

Cool Minecraft Avatars
By Mine Craft Worlds

I don't know whether you know or not but
Red Monster loves Minecraft!!!
He has it on the computer, tablet, phone & x-box.
Yes he really does love it that much.

When the opportunity arose to review this book 
I jumped at the chance.
Red Monster loves learning about different
things in minecrafts & I like to learn
things so I know what he is talking about.

An avatar is like your character.
You can design your own, you can choose ones available
or you can download new ones.

This book is a book with some of the avatars that
people use or see (you can meet other people in minecraft worlds)
within minecraft.

It is a short but sweet book giving you pictures of different
avatars a few facts about them such as;
Power: Distraction
Build Rating: 3/10
Fashion Rating: 9/10
Popularity: 8/10
Noob: True

For a child it's a quick guide to a few avatars that
are out there.
It has a picture of each character so they are
sure to love having a quick read of it. 


I received the book to review. 
However all opinions expressed are my own.
Affiliate links are included on the post.
No monies were exchanged.


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I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue