Friday 28 October 2011

FO 28.10.11

FO Friday
I didn't know how to add the icon so I thought I would at least post the link.

I haven't been able to finish much this week as my son Ryan has been ill.  I've managed to finish off my shawl which I love.  I am hoping to get more done next week if we are both better! In the meantime I am hoping to start WIP and show you some of the hats I've started but not finished yet :-)


  1. The shawl looks lovely. I hope your son feels better soon.

  2. the shawl looks lovely! I hope your son is feeling better soon

  3. Very pretty, especially those nice little scalloped edges!
    Here's hoping your little one is right as rain in no time!

  4. Your shawl is so pretty! I hope your son feels better quickly.

  5. the shawl is lovely. Get well wishes to your LO

  6. Thanks everyone. Ryan is much better now. He managed to go to school on Monday so that he could go trick or treating with my husband. He didn't last long as he got tired but he at least got to go out and have fun :-)

  7. Glad to hear that your little one is feeling better! Your shawl looks lovely.


I hope you enjoy the blog!
Thank you ever so much for commenting!
I love reading everything you put and I will try and reply but it just depends on my health.
Thanks Sue